Thursday, October 21, 2010

Roaring News

Hello Baldwin Community,

On Friday, I had the honor of listening to our fourth graders share their published works. All of the fourth grade classes got together in the commons area and they mixed and mingled to share their published writing. The students have been working through the writing process and were able to get to the publishing stage. During this time, the students from the four 4th grade classes were sharing their stories and giving each other feedback. I heard stories about horses, Elvis, roller coaster, birthday celebrations, the first day of school, and so many more different topics. I am very proud of our fourth grade scholars and their teachers!

I also wanted to tell you that our PTA Carnival Committee and Volunteers have been working around the clock to get everything ready for next Friday's Carnival and Silent Auction. Be sure to stop by the display cases near the cafeteria to see some of the baskets for the auction. They are absolutely beautiful and I bet you will want to bid on them. We hope to see everyone next Friday from 5:30-8:30 at Baldwin for some family fun!

I also want to encourage our families to continue participating in Marathon Kids. You can walk and/or run together so that your child can complete the number of miles needed for this great program. Staying healthy and fit can help your child in their academics too. Thanks for helping your child in this way.

Our classes will be decorating pumpkins for a contest that is being sponsored by Applebee's. Each class will decorate (not carve) a pumpkin. The teachers will involve the students in the planning and the decorating of their class pumpkin. A winner from each grade level will be chosen. For each winning pumpkin, the students will be awarded free kids meals and the winning teacher will be awarded a $10.00 gift certificate to Applebee's. The pumpkins will be collected and taken to Applebee's Restaurant on Monday, 10/25. The pumpkins will then be available to purchase for $10 no earlier than 10/28 at 11:00 a.m. All of the money collected will be given back to Baldwin.

Many of you are aware that I have a suggestion box in the office for anyone that  wants to place a suggestion and/or concern for us to address. I received a concern from a second grade student in Mrs. Perry's class. Kallie was concerned with the trash on our school grounds and that we do not have trash cans around the school. I spoke with Kallie personally about her concern and she told me that she has been going around the neighborhood picking up litter and trying to keep it clean including our school grounds. She suggested we buy some trash cans to put outside near the playground areas. I told her it was a great idea and that we would order outdoor trash cans to place around the school in hopes that this would encourage everyone to throw their trash in the appropriate bins. Thank you Kallie for being brave and submitting your concern and suggestion for improvement. I am also proud of Kallie for being an ambassador for our earth and our school! If you have a concern and/or suggestion, please stop by the office to complete a form and leave in the suggestion box. Together we can make our school the best!

On Friday, I led the students in the Baldwin School Song and they were just amazing. I get goose bumps every time I hear them sing the school song together. There is so much pride in their singing! Ask your child to sing the song to you; you will understand what I mean.

See you at the Fall Carnival on Friday evening!

Roaring with Pride,
Dr. Rosa M. Peña